Welcome to the Thesis
& Dissertation Submission System

Once you have passed the final defense and satisfied your committee's  requirements, you are ready to submit your manuscript to Thesis and Dissertation Services for review. This submission process is fully electronic. Please review the following checklist prior to submitting:

  1. Check that all document submission requirements have been met.

  2. Ensure that all required forms have been correctly completed and submitted to Thesis and Dissertation Services.

  3. Review the Thesis Preparation Checklist to ensure your document adheres to Texas A&M University format guidelines for theses and dissertations.

  4. To get started with your submission, click the link below. You will be asked to authenticate using your NetID.

Your help can make things better

You feedback is very important to us; it allows us to continue to improve the system. Please feel free to notify us directly at helpdesk@tamu.edu if you have any suggestions to increase the usability or effectiveness of this application. You can talk to the your Thesis Office regarding any issues that may arise during the submission process.

This application has been developed and is maintained by the Texas Digital Library, in conjunction with Texas A&M, MIT, and UIUC.